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Oh Happy Day released in theaters on 2007-01-01. This movie is among the best [Comedy, Romance, Foreign] genre, within 100 minutes and rating: 0.
Synopsis Oh Happy Day
Jonathan and David meet at a black tie dinner and end up spending the night together at Jonathan's London flat. The challenges begin when Jonathan's nine–year–old daughter bounds into the bedroom very early the next morning. However, the stakes heighten when Jonathan discovers that David is his "new client" at the marketing firm where he is employed. Fraternizing with clients on the opposite side of the conference table is strictly prohibited by the firm, and Jonathan quickly nips things in the bud. As time progresses, love conquers all obstacles. Working against them are their different races, different countries of origin and homophobia. Oh Happy Day is that special film that brings out the true romantic hiding inside us all.
Oh Happy Day Posters
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